We at MindYourFootprint, believe in children and their power. And we agree with the wise-man who said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. However we are very aware that education can become boring for the little ones hence we created our 6E model, Entertain, Engage, Educate, Explore, Experiment and Empower which is our way to educate children very gently while they are having fun. Imagine the children playing with toys, puzzles and games, learning something new, feeling empowered and eventually becoming eco-warriors.
We offer advice on everything to do with living a more harmonious and sustainable life and particularly in relation to the engagement of children on that issue.
In the past 12 years we’ve contributed to many campaigns, including Earth Hour, Earth Day, World Environment Day and Animal Day. We have proven ourselves to be at the forefront of this clean, green movement. We believe in raising awareness of issues such as Climate Crisis, access to clean water, global warming, healthy lifestyles including eating less meat (or preferably vegetarian or vegan diets) and animal endangerment. Our aim is to safeguard the Earth for future generations.
Get in touch to see how we can help.
Footkin aka Foot Fella

Footkin is our ambassador. Hailing from the peaceful planet of Marchoon, he is a caring individual who loves Earth as much as he loves his own home. Using Footkin to develop children’s imagination, we have been able to speak directly to children on environmental issues and to educate them so that they can become the Eco-warriors of the future.
Footkin has been there when we have talked to children about energy conservation, water conservation, endangered animals and waste management. With his very own website and a series of books, games and videos, Footkin gets to the heart of issues for children and really helps them to engage.
For Schools

All schools, whether or not you are already involved in sustainability initiatives such as Eco-Schools, Green Ribbon Schools or any holistic approach or sustainability education initiative are welcome to take advantage of our free educational resources resources. These include videos, puzzles, games and activity books with their lesson plans on every environmental topic. We can even ask Footkin if he could visit your school to talk to your pupils directly. We’ve done it many times and it’s been very successful and popular. Here you may find a case case study of one of many workshops we’ve done in the past.
For Parents

You are welcome to use our resources to help your children understand environmental issues, especially those you can get involved in too, like saving water, recycling and saving energy. Footkin has a range of colouring pages, dot to dots and puzzles to play giving your children (and you!) hours of fun. You can play the games on the Play section of the Footkin website and you can download the activity books here on the resource page.
We know you are concerned for the future of your children and we’re sure you’re doing your best to make it a better future for them. You are not alone in this. We feel exactly the same… resentful about buying poor quality toys or games that end up in landfill quickly without teaching our loved ones anything positive.
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Our toys are made of sustainable and eco-friendly materials. We make sure our suppliers are ethical and have values the same as ours and that they take care of their employees and the environment. Every toy is educational and promotes a good cause mostly around an environmental issue.
For Organisations

Maybe you are contributing to Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, or maybe you have an environmental management system such as ISO14001 in place. Maybe you are simply eco-conscious and care about the environment or maybe you want to reduce your consumption and save on your bills. Whatever the case, we’re here to help you. We’ve got expertise and experience to help you manage and reduce your carbon footprint. We’ve got some brilliant material from switch off stickers for employee behavioural change to games to facilitate board of directors brainstorming. Give us a shout, they are too good to be ignored.
For Hotels

We have different types of cards and stickers that you can install in your bathroom to remind guests to conserve water or reuse their towels. There’s a switch off sticker that you can install next to the light switch to remind them to switch off the light and TV before they leave the room.
We have videos that guests can watch on tv to get empowered to conserve, and toys that you can give to children and sit back and watch how they encourage their parents to conserve.
Get in touch to see how we can help.
Read what people say about Footkin educational resources
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